First Name
Last Name
What is your home address?
Add links to any related social media handles:
What does the business sell or what kind of content do you produce? The more details, the better!
When did your business start using the current business or product name?
Is your business incorporated as an LLC or another entity?
What is your formal business name (LLC, Inc, etc.)?
In what state is your business legally formed?
What is your business address? Please note this address will be publicly listed, so please don’t provide a home address.
Is your business address a PO box or a UPS box?
What products or services have you already listed for sale or what content do you produce publicly?
When was the first time that you publicly listed products or services for sale or produced content for public consumption? This could be when your website launched, when you first published content on any platform,a social media post advertising your products, services, or content, your online store opened, etc.